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Safe through the lines: protective measures for telecommunications secrecy

According to Section 166 of the Telecommunications Act, in addition to the obligation to submit a security concept, there is an obligation to appoint a security officer.

This role can be outsourced. This task usually only requires a few days of work per year. So save your internal resources, save yourself the costly development of internal know-how and instead rely on our experienced experts. We will work with you to agree on the "necessary technical precautions and other measures", create your security concept in accordance with Section 166 of the Telecommunications Act (TKG) and take care of all coordination with the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

We will then continue to be available as a contact for you and the BNetzA and will take care of maintaining the necessary documentation.

In addition, we are always available to you as a competent partner in the event of audits by the BNetzA.

If you wish, we can take on the role of security officer for you within the framework of an assignment as an "external security officer according to Section 166 of the Telecommunications Act" .

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